Hair Style

Specialty of Asian Hair

Asian hair has some specialty. Today we would talk about the specialty of Asian Hair.

In a world where every hair care product claims to be made for your individual hair type, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that there really are true scientific differences between hair types. In terms of versatility, some would think Asian’s got the short end of the stick when it comes to hair, but their naturally sleek straight and dark style proves a force to be reckoned with. Just look at the creativity of the Harajuku styles. There are scientific differences between hair ethnicities and Asian hair is stronger, more resilient to damage and less prone to hair loss than other hair types.

Asian hair facts:

1. Thickness of Cuticle

 Asian hair has twice the diameter and a much thicker cuticle than Caucasian hair. Most hair types have around five  layers of cuticles while Asian hair has closer to ten.

2. Density of Hair

Asian’s have anywhere between 80,000 and 140,000 scalp hairs but, typically, they have fewer hairs per square centimetre than Caucasians. (They also tend to have less body and facial hair.) However, because the individual hair shafts are thicker, it gives the impression of greater hair density.

3. Growing Rate

 Asian hair grows faster than Afro-Caribbean or Caucasian hair at a record rate of 1.3 cm a month, and it also has the longest cycle of growth, lasting up to nine years compared to the average two to seven years.

4. Flatness of Cuticles

On Asian hair, the cuticles are laid down with at a steeper angle. Caucasian hair has flatter cuticles.

5.  How Hair Breaks

As Asian hair is stretched or pulled, the cuticles tend to break off in large pieces that keep their original shape. On the other hand, the cuticles of Caucasian hair tend to break into smaller fragments and fall off. In this sense, Caucasian cuticles are more fragile.

6. Why Hair Break

The cuticles of Asian hair tends to fall off because the adhesive that holds the cuticle cells together fails. In Caucasian hair, the adhesive holds better but the cuticle cell itself starts to break first.

7.  Asian hair usually has higher porosity levels, absorbing and retaining moisture more quickly. The hair contains a medulla filled with plenty of dark pigment, which is thought to contribute to its shine and high moisture content. However, because Asian hair is thicker and sometimes longer, it also tends to lose more moisture, which can lead to dryness and split ends.

8.  The shape of the follicle largely determines how hair grows. Because Asian hair follicles are almost always completely round, they typically have very straight hair. On the other hand, Afro-Caribbean hair follicles are oval and the hair grows in a spiral-like fashion.
9. Asian countries are the prime source of human hair used for wigs and hair extensions   because the hair is long, straight, strong, and rarely tampered with chemicals.  

Asian Hair's Sexy Short Cut

There are a lot of cute short hair cuts that you can adapt whether you are male or female. A lot of girls wear their hair shorter because it becomes a lot easier to manage and nowadays, short hair has become very fashionable.

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